high back seat中文什么意思

发音:   用"high back seat"造句
  • high:    adj. 1.高的〔指物,形容人的身 ...
  • back seat:    〔口语〕后座;低下的职位,无聊的工作 ...
  • seat back:    座椅靠背
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  1. High back seat u
  2. Who should be responsible for the maintenance of seat belts and high back seats installed on a plb
  3. I public light buses plbs registered on or after 1 august 2004 are required to be fitted with seat belts and high back seats
  4. A government spokesman said today ( october 8 ) that the purpose of the proposed relaxation of the weight limit for light buses was to enable all new public light buses to install new passenger protection equipment including seat belts and high back seats
    行政长官会同行政会议通过将小型巴士的车辆总重限制由4公吨放宽至5 . 5公吨,让公共小巴安装新的乘客保护装置,包括安全带及高靠背座椅。
  5. Hc agreed to set up a subcommittee to scrutinize the following 4 commencement notices which were related to the installation of passenger protection equipment , including seat belts and high back seats , on newly registered public light buses plbs -


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